Monday, September 10, 2012

Our First Week

We sailed through our first Monday together in what seemed like record time! I guess time really does fly when you're having fun!! Here are some more pictures from our first week together so you can see all the different things we were up to.

Creating "buckets" to fill with acts of kindness, kind words, and love.
 Are you a bucket filler or a bucket dipper?
What have you done to fill someone's bucket today? 

Creating and extending patterns with Mrs. Lott, our GT teacher

Brainstorming in teams to think of different ways to "Be Respectful"
-one of Henry Clay's school-wide rules- 
Students writing down examples of how to "Be Safe"
-another one of Henry Clay's school-wide rules-

During our afternoon math time we like to do centers!
Here is one group practicing math facts on the computers. 

Our "Rainbow of Friendship" display 

Stay tuned for more!! We have lots of fun and learning in store!!


  1. Mason & I enjoyed checking this out together! He knows what fish is his & what pattern he made at the work station with Mrs. Lott. Thanks for the update, the children look like they were all up to great things!

  2. I enjoy seeing the kids in action! Thanks so much for the update.
