Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Opening Day: August 27, 2012

Hello convocation! There's something powerful about having ALL of Hanover County's finest gathered in one place to set the year off to a good start. Then it was back to Henry Clay to set sail into a new school year! And who better to set us off on the right course than our fearless leader, Mrs. Keck. Keeping with this years theme, SEAS: Successfully Educating All Students...ALL ABOARD!!

"We're ALL in This Together 2.0"

Hanover County's Teacher of the Year for 2012 with her students
(Jamie Mullenaux, 5th Grade, Mechanicsville Elementary)

Closing Remarks from Hanover County's Superintendant, Jamelle Wilson

Our Fearless Leader - Mrs. Keck
Leading the Opening Faculty Meeting of 2012-13

Sunday, August 26, 2012

So I returned this week for one more attempt to make some semblance of order before work week...which is much easier said than done with two little girls under the age of two running around! As soon as I got something straight, they would quickly come behind me and make a mess again. Despite the distractions, I was able to get a few things straight. The first order of business was our classroom library, complete with our very own, renovated "crab couch" - only fitting for our school wide "SEAS" theme this year! I look forward to seeing my students snuggled up here with a good book. 

 The "Crab Couch"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday, August 15 - LOTS to be done before Open House!! 
I hope everyone is enjoying these last few weeks of summer! It is hard to believe that it is coming to end so quickly. Today I ventured back to school with my girls to see what the classroom was looking like and to assess how much work needs to be done. After a quick run by the laminator, it's home to start cutting and planning what fun we will have this year!