Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mrs. Cox's Mini Economy

For the past two weeks we have been learning about money and economics in our math and social studies units. As a fun way to connect these two similar concepts together, I created a mini class economy in which students were able to earn play money for making good behavior choices. At the end of each day, students would get paid based upon what color card they ended their day on.

Thanks to the many donations from parents, we were able to have TWO school stores at the end of each week. Our store at the end of the first week was full of small, low-cost items. The bigger, higher priced items would be at the end of the second week. This led the students to great discussion and forced them to make economic decisions - spend now or save for later?

Take a look at the fun the students had shopping and playing clerk in Mrs. Cox's Corner Store!


Some chose to SHOP!

Others chose to SAVE!


Kalani - Working the Register

Again, many, many thanks for ALL of the donations for our store!! This experiment was a huge success and an even better learning experience for the students. Hopefully they will carry these lessons with them when they go to the real store.

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